Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Updation (:

I havent updated in a while so here are some pics!! (:

 Softball Practice with my Best Friend!!! (:
                                                                       Little Sister and I
                                                                        Fun night on the town
                                                                           *Just me*
                                                                         Funny Faces >.<
                                                                        My dad and I
                                                                          IM DRIVING!!!
                                                                       Best friend Kayla!! (:
                       My other best friend Amber!! Were going swimming in the hot tub in the snow!! (:
                                                     These are what best friends look like!!
                                                                         *Snow Day*
                                                      No make-up!! ewwww!!

 *New Years Eve Dance*
Me and Connor before school (:

Thursday, November 25, 2010

What Kind of Cookie??- A really BIG Cookie!! :)

                 My big brother Tyler and I :) Tyler isnt really my big brother but he shure acts like one to me!!
My parents went out of town, and Tyler was in charge of us and we decided to make a BIG cookie!! So much fun!!! :D Food Fight going down in the kitchen